Monday, October 24, 2011

'Tis a new day!

Hey Everyone! Im starting a blog to keep up during my internship at IHOP! I'm super excited with what The Lord is doing, so I wanted to share it with anybody interested!

The story about why I came to IHOP is kinda long, but to summarize it let's say that it was the Lord alone that made it happen. When the idea came to mind, I was like no, there is no way, it's impossible... but The Lord literally moved everything out of the way and... here i am! :) This is week 5 of my internship and I'm loving it, I could have not asked for anything better!

I titled this blog a new day because I am literally living a new day... I moved back home "for good" in January of this year, and never in a million years I would've thought I was gonna come back to America. But here I am! Since I got here, I have had to "pinch"myself several times and say...ok... I'm actually in Kansas City. I honestly can't believe it sometimes, there was a massive shift that took place in my life in the last year... it was like a night to day kinda shift. God is faithful, and I say this not because I'm back in America, but because He walked the valley with me, and did not let me drawn. I love Him.

When I first got here I found out Mike Bickle had called a 21 day fast... I was like... seriously?? What a genuine IHOP welcoming! But I got over it a few days later and then realized it was truly the best way to start a new day with The Lord. I think it was prophetic!

The Lord's done SO SO much already... At the beginning The Lord pointed out what was on the way between Him and me, and one... one of the main things was related to unforgiveness. During our second week we had an awesome speaker named Peter Loth come in. He's a holocaust survivor and shared his incredible story about forgiveness. I remember when I heard we were gonna have that teaching, I was like, oh, I got that... been there, done that... I'm good. lol... (this seems to happen pretty often... lol) well I wasn't, not at all actually. The Lord reached deep inside my heart and brought up some stuff I had no clue had been there for such a long time! He was right when He said our hearts are most deceitful above all things. Im so glad He knows me better than I know myself, otherwise I would be missing out on so much.

Im gonna fast-forward till yesterday and share with you my current prayer. With all this "pinching" I've been doing, I'm asking the Lord, "why am I here?" regardless of the timeframe, program, destiny, etc... "why am i here for?" and the answer is: I came to know Jesus more. He's the reason for everything, and He's worth it everything. I am so excited to know Him more, I really am. So far, I think He's extravagantly amazing and there are not enough words to describe His extravagant amazingness... lol. I think after this season Im gonna fall like dead at His feet like John. I hope... maybe... :)

My prayer for you is that He would open the eyes of your heart to know the One that is worth it all.

Im gonna try my best to update this blog every week! Let me know what you think!  I appreciate your prayers in advance!! :)



  1. I am so happy for you Luz. Keep on pressing in and growing in God. He has great plans for you! You have changed so much since I met you--a true reflection of God's love.

  2. Thank you Mrs. Diane!!! I remember!!! lol! :)

  3. Luz!!! I love you!! I am soo sooo excited for you!! Thank you for sharing and I look forward to reading more!!!

  4. Great blog, Luz. Just asked Jim to check on free furniture through Craig's List, if you still need it. Give me a call sometime if you want to do tea or coffee! <3
