Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mini-mustard seed-like faith :)

So, it definitely took me more than a week to update this blog, but I have a few valid reasons why... :) No internet at our house, IHOP's internet was messing up some the last few weeks, and... i wasn't all that inspired to write. hehe... :) But I am now, and i have internet again. So...

The past few weeks have been good!! I've had some ups and downs, but in general they have been good. Through everything The Lord is doing in my life my view of who He is is TOTALLY changing. I have to ask Him sometimes... Who are You??? I thought I knew You... But there's simply not an end to knowing God, and I LOVE that!

The week before last the Lord spoke A LOT to me through different people. I was given several prophetic words and they were all so encouraging. It's true when David said that His thoughts towards us are like the sand, we can't count them. I don't know why He has so much to tell me about "me", but He does. He cares so much more than what i think...

This past week was really good too! The Lord provided for me in pretty supernatural ways, but something kind of funny happened... This past Sunday morning I decided to read Mark 8. Why? I don't know... But it talks about Jesus feeding the 4000, after He feeds them the disciples forget to take bread to eat on their trip and they sorta worry about it, and so The Lord rebukes them for their little faith. I've read this passage several times before, and I've always been like... oh yeah, those disciples had such little faith... that's just unbelievable, The Lord provides for them supernaturally and then they worry about how they're gonna eat next, like if He couldn't provide again. And so, after The Lord works these miracles in my life, like 15 minutes after literally, I'm thinking... well.. what am I gonna do about this, and that, and that other thing. And then... it's like the Lord was saying... HELLO... We're talking about you here... and so it hit me, I have little faith, very little. This has been both convicting and humbling... I've been very convicted about my lack faith so I'm learning to trust Him and believe Him more steadily. This is kind of embarrassing to me too because I have been a foreigner for like 9 years in America, and I don't remember one time I've had to beg bread. So, yeah this IS embarrassing, but Im willing to share it though because something tells me I'm probably not the only one that stills doubts. :) As my faith grows, what surprises me is that somehow He's willing to work with that little faith... I'm finding that my mini-mustard seed-like faith is so precious to Him.

I wanted to share this because in the book of revelation says that the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. So, I believe that as I share the testimony of God's faithful provision in my life, He will do the same for you in ANY area of your life when you ask! I'm praying that God meets your every need, and as He does, that you would fall more in love with Jesus. And if you don't know Him, I dare you to still ask Him, and He will answer. :)

Have a great week!

PS: I'm going to The Call Detroit this weekend, (11.11.11) and I couldn't tell you how excited I am. I went The Call Nashville on 07.07.07 and it CHANGED my life. That's one of the things The Lord just made a way for me to go:) So, yeah Im so excited and can't wait... I would really appreciate your prayers, but also I encourage you to go if you can or watch it online. Go to www.thecall.com and join the nation in prayer and fasting for America to turn back to Jesus.
